Day #6

I’m going to try to document, even if only for myself, what’s happening to me during this NaNoWriMo.  I’ve been writing for about three hours every day for the last week.  I started writing without any real plan about what was going to happen.  Now I am about half way through the process (word count wise) and I’ve come upon an unfortunate realization.  The realization is this – one should plan ahead when one writes a 10,000 word novelette let alone a 50,000 word novel.

I’ve completely lost the track of the story – as if there ever was one.  As I said yesterday, at one point in the story I had a guy sitting on a couch watching TV and he couldn’t think of anything to do with himself.  While I did accurately (and if I must say so myself, not inartfully) describe the guy’s pain I think I may have allowed the author’s feelings to come through a little bit too forcefully.

I gets worse….but I’ll wait to share that mess with you until tomorrow.

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