Its the morning of the ninth day. I have only abuot 7,500 more words to go to get to 50,000 so I am 100% confident that I will make it. I long ago gave up the hope that this book would be anything other than a total mess so how the book ends doesn’t matter to me. The only thing that matters is that it will indeed end. I know how its going to end so that makes things a lot easier.
I’ve learned a huge amount about writing a book – 1) its not that hard to physically write the book – it only took nine days – I can do anything for nine days 2) its really hard to write a good book 3) I should have a much better idea of where the book is going before I start 4) its important to do some sembelence of research and/or planning.
I’m going to finish today or tomorrow. I plan on printing the thing out (190 pages) on A5 paper and having it two side copied and bound. Feeling pretty good about it – can’t wait to start the next novel.