Day 7 of NaNoWriMo and I’m doing better today than yesterday. I pushed through the big black void. Not because I actually thought of anything for my characters to do but because I stopped caring if they had anything to do – it you can’t beat them join them.
At one point yesterday I had invented a character who’s great great grandfather had invented the bicycle. I did this simply to allow me to explain why the entire group of my nine characters, all of whom had found beach rentals on the same block, were choosing to ride around the beach town they were in on bicycles. I needed the bicycles because I had already had each of them walk around the beach town twice, and I was getting a little bored with all the walking. I thought it would be interesting to have the bike instead of just walk. It wasn’t.
But last night I decided to not worry about it and just push forward. I’ve written about 5,000 words since then, but I am now at around 32,000 so I can sort of see a glimmer of the end. If I ever choose to I can go back and re-write this entire thing – I just want to get to the end at this point. You can be sure that bicycles will play a small part in draft 2. And I’m pretty sure that the inventor of the bicycle will be nowhere to be found (I’m keeping him in the first draft so I can keep the word count high).
I will try to recount some more unfortunate choices I’ve made in tomorrow’s post.